Der erste Bug

Der erste Bug

Es gab Zeiten, in denen Computer analog und groß wie Häuser waren. Wenn in solchen Maschinen Ungeziefer herumkrabbelte, hatte das schlimme Folgen.

Der erste dokumentierte “Bug” eines Computers lässt sich sogar bestaunen:

Moth found trapped between points at Relay # 70, Panel F, of the Mark II Aiken Relay Calculator while it was being tested at Harvard University, 9 September 1945. The operators affixed the moth to the computer log, with the entry: “First actual case of bug being found”. They put out the word that they had “debugged” the machine, thus introducing the term “debugging a computer program”.
In 1988, the log, with the moth still taped by the entry, was in the Naval Surface Warfare Center Computer Museum at Dahlgren, Virginia.

Quelle: Santa Clara Naval Museum

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